From London to Vorarlberg

What makes a young person return to Vorarlberg from a big city like London? Isabella tells us about her motivations and her start in Vorarlberg. Thank you, Isabella, for sharing your experience with us!

After I finished my Master’s degree in International Public Policy in London, I came back to Vorarlberg. I wanted to return home because of my boyfriend and my family. The fact that quality of life in Vorarlberg is exceptionally high and that it’s also possible to find a cool job here, made my decision much easier, of course.

Even though I miss the cultural variety, the friendships I’ve made, and London’s anonymity, I now really enjoy being back in Vorarlberg. As a passionate skier, Vorarlberg’s mountains are particularly close to my heart. In general, I love being out in nature and the mountains – that simply works better in Vorarlberg than in big cities like London.

My biggest passion is and remains traveling. I find foreign cultures very inspiring and, even when I’m at home in Vorarlberg, I love learning foreign languages.

After graduating, I started as a marketing & policy expert at the Vorarlberg Chamber of Labor. There, together with a young team, I was able to support totally cool projects like the Schaffarei or the Digital Campus Vorarlberg right from the start. Through the Coding Campus of the Digital Campus, the cooperation with BoehlerBrothers also came about. For 6 months now, I’ve been working for the small software company as a project manager.

I like my job because I learn something new every day (and that’s not just a figure of speech). I love being challenged and the variety in the software area suits me very well. In addition, we are a very young team, we all pull together and speak the same language. That’s a lot of fun.

(c) Isabella Salzmann
(c) Unsplash
(c) Unsplash
(c) Isabella Salzmann
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