Patented laser protection from IPM Elektromatic

In 2019, the successful IPM Elektromatic GmbH implemented its largest project to date. For the production line of the BMW 3 Series, the specialist for safety technology and plant engineering installed eight laser protection booths alone at the BMW Group’s Regensburg plant. The all-in package included a customized solution to sustainably improve the production process.

In addition to the laser cabins, which are modular in design and can be equipped with laser-safe, automatic lift, slide and roll gates for smooth infeed and outfeed of components at any position, other process-relevant components complement the installation. One or two robots in each booth now process the body parts with a laser application of up to eight kilowatts.

The system is not only extremely flexible in use and adaptable, it is particularly convincing due to its high level of safety. The IPM Laserguard panels are coated with a specially developed and patented inorganic mineral that significantly increases the service life of the wall in the event of laser bombardment. The so-called passive protection system thus does not require expensive electronic fuses and can be used for almost all laser applications, whether welding, soldering, cutting, etc. in the automotive sector. It is also the only one on the market to be certified in accordance with the Machinery Directive.

With this unique position, the 26-strong SME is listed as a direct supplier to all well-known German OEMs and their equipment manufacturers worldwide, to which in the last three years about 50 booths have gone. As a total supplier, IPM Elektromatik clearly differentiates itself from the competition, because the reduction of interfaces is a major industry issue – as it is in battery production for e-mobility. In this booming sector, the Dornbirn-based company has also recently been gaining massive ground.

(c) IPM Elektromatic GmbH
(c) IPM Elektromatic GmbH
(c) IPM Elektromatic GmbH
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