Bachmann electronic GmbH

10 open job/s


Automation, Grid Measurement and Protection, Visualization and Condition Monitoring for plants and machines: this is the Bachmann world, our core competence, and our future. Headquartered in Feldkirch, Austria, we are a rapidly expanding organization with over 500 employees worldwide. We have been developing unique automation and system solutions for customers around the globe for more than 50 years.

When it comes to automation in the energy, industry and maritime sectors, Bachmann is truly an expert. We excel at unique, tailor-made system and solutions, perfectly adapted for the operating environment.


Bachmann electronic, a global automation company with headquarters based in Feldkirch, Austria, has been optimizing customer productivity and profit for 50 years.

Bachmann is a recognized industry leader, providing the highest quality and reliability in automation hardware and software for wind & renewable energy, industry, machinery and maritime markets. Open and flexible communication standards, integrated machine health monitoring and web-based visualization are just part of the total solution Bachmann offers its customers. Continuous innovation and accumulated engineering know-how safeguard success and build trusted partnerships between Bachmann and its customers for generations to come.

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OVERVIEW Employees worldwide



88 Mio. €


Automation Technology




Electronics & electrical engineering, Energy & Environmental Technology, Construction & Crafts, Software development & testing, Others


Daniela Wilhelmer
Kreuzäckerweg 33
6800 Feldkirch

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