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Blum is a family-owned company that specializes in optimizing motion with innovative opening and closing concepts for furniture and is one of the 10 most innovative companies in Austria (measured by patent applications to the Austrian Patent Office). The main product groups are flap, hinge and pull-out systems for furniture, primarily in kitchens. Worldwide there are 9.400 employees at Blum, 7.000 of them at the headquarters in Vorarlberg.
Working together in an open and uncomplicated manner, pushing things forward together and across departments and working in a modern environment – that is what characterizes working at Blum, that means WORK ORANGE. And it means more than just the company color: It is a feeling that employees share with each other around the world - the passion to continuously optimize the existing, to research new things and to develop solutions that convince our customers worldwide.

Umsatz2.644 Mio. €
ProductsFittings for furniture
Location/sHöchst, Dornbirn, Bregenz, Gaißau, Fußach
IndustryMachinery & Plant Engineering
Nina Rauter
Industriestraße 1
6973 Höchst
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