V-Research GmbH

0 open job/s


Strengthening the economy through innovative research and customer-oriented solutions We are an extramural centre of excellence for applied research, development and innovation in the technological-industrial sector. Our activities are aimed at meeting the complex challenges of the economy as well as at ensuring our contribution to the further development of society on a non-profit basis. Together with our customers as partners, we achieve set goals in a solution-oriented and effective manner. V-Research is characterized by the use of the latest methods from the fields of data science and computer-aided optimization, as well as sophisticated methodological approaches in the fields of digital engineering, photonics and tribo design.

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R&D in Digital Engineering, Tribo Design and Photonics






Michaela Kartnaller
Stadtstraße 33
6850 Dornbirn

Applications please by E-mail

With the Ceramill Matron, Amann Girrbach ushers in the 5th generation of its milling machines.

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It is impressive where Vorarlberg companies have left their mark worldwide.

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With Kandela, Daniel Rupp develops the 2.0 version of the tile stove.

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