FAQ Bregenzerwald.

The FAQ Bregenzerwald is a unique festival, actually it’s a social forum. Concerts, lectures, discussions, workshops, tours and readings take place at cool locations and extraordinary places. The cuisine will for sure surprise you as well. It is a festival you’ll never forget. more on this

(c) Ian Ehm
(c) Ian Ehm
(c) Ian Ehm
(c) Ian Ehm
Impressions of FAQ Bregenzerwald.

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An exclusive chance for career planning offered the already 9th CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG "Netzwerktreffen" for students and companies on 22.12.2022 in the workshop stage of Kongresskultur Bregenz.

Crime dinner: Netzwerktreffen Bregenz

Gustav is an international trade fair for design and gourmet culture that takes place annually at the Messequartier in Dornbirn.

The Gustav Fair | Design & Pleasure Culture | annually in October

The Freudenhaus is a mobile theater tent. The Freudenhaus has been around since 2004 and has played at various locations in Vorarlberg.

Freudenhaus | Mobile Theater Tent

Spielboden is an ingenious location for cultural events of all kinds.

Spielboden | Venue for cultural events
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Upcoming Events.

Unfortunately, no events will take place during this period. Reset filters

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Do you need nature
after a fun night?

5,700 km of hiking trails. over 40 ski resorts. 3,000 m high mountains. over 32 lakes. more on this

Lisa Muster is a member of the Mountain Rescue Vorarlberg

With Courage and Skill, Reaching New Heights

Some suggestions to Expand Your Circle of Friends with Fun and Action in Vorarlberg

Where can I meet people in Vorarlberg?

Overview of Outdoor Swimming Pools in Vorarlberg

Looking for a Cool Down?

Paradise is close by: a day and a night at HochJoch is perfect for relaxing and recharging.

Stand-Up Paddling and Star Gazing at HochJoch

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