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InformationenEnergy – Power plants and process equipment Reach the next level of sustainable energy generation Actively shaping the energy transition is a strategic task for many companies. With Dieffenbacher Energy (formerly Bertsch Energy Gmbh & Co KG) based in Bludenz, Austria, we offer a wide range of advanced solutions for sustainable energy generation.
Around 150 experienced employees work with you to develop power plants and modernization solutions tailored to your needs and site specifications. Together with you, we realize solid-fuel-fired as well as gas- and liquid-fuel-fired power plants. Next to renewable energies, the future belongs to solutions that use biomass and waste materials for energy generation instead of fossil or nuclear fuels. The aims are not only to generate energy and reduce CO2 emissions but also to make efficient use of the waste heat generated in the process, for example, through the use of combined heat and power systems. In addition, we offer a wide variety of waste heat recovery systems and equipment for the chemical and petrochemical industries.

ProductsMaschinen, Anlagenbau, Kraftwerke
IndustryMachinery & Plant Engineering
Gerold Reisinger
Untersteinstraße 4
6700 Bludenz